Well today I will be discussing the Oraldo Magic. They have a 45-26 record and are 2nd in the Southestern division and 4th in the Eastern Confrence. They are locked into the playoffs with the win over Cleveland. First off, they are solid at the post because look at who the have...DWIGHT HOWARD...aka SUPERMAN!! He rarely lets down the team with an off night. Then of coarse they have Gilbert Arenas, Brandon Bass, and Jameer Nelson who can all hit up a three in a clutch time position. Then there is Hedo Turkoglu and Quentin Richardson who are two good, realiable forwards that can not only shoot the three, but can take it to the hole. Then again the Magic are definitely not the strongest team in the East nor in the NBA. But they'll have a shot at it, but it's not likely that they'll go far. Possibly the first round and thats it. They are a one and done team, but a good one and done team. If they make the proper adjustments then they'll have a better chance next year, but as for this year....just stay strong and do your best. There are too many other dominant teams that will beat them in the playoffs. Sorry Orlando but that's just how it is.
Join me next time when i talk about the hot Dallas Mavricks!!
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